
What would it be like to invest in a startup if you had a lot more information?

Fortestream can speed up startup analysis in bulk, with unbiased report

The numbers speak for themselves

Statistics say that 90% of startups fail and do not achieve any initial goals. Often, it is repeated, that there is a lack of funds to continue.

But the real reason a startup shuts down isn’t a lack of funding, as is often believed.


Demand is missing

The product is not in demand on the market.


Poor Marketing

The product is not presented well.


Team Problems

The team doesn’t work well.

The cause is often confused with the effect

The final act of a failing startup is almost always marked by a lack of liquidity. So we find ourselves giving the simplest explanation to a much more complex problem: we’ve run out of money!

But in reality, the money runs out because the startup has never turned into a company that makes revenues.

So, it all boils down to a simple question: Can an investor know in advance whether a startup has characteristics that can lead it to success?

The predictive alghoritm


With the Fortestream Method, we analyze precisely those parameters that are critical in determining the success of a startup and which, if underestimated, lead to closure due to lack of funds.

Market Analysis

Does the market need the product? And which type specifically? What solutions?

Asset Analysis

Does the startup have all the material and human resources to aspire to success?

Lack of Innovation

Is the product at risk of being outrun by the competition? Does it really bring something new to the sector or is it replicable?

Team Skills

Are there the right people to achieve success? And what skills do they have?

Business Model Analysis

How is the startup organized and how does it get its revenues? How does it contain costs?

Delivery Times

How are the timings going? Do you keep up with deadlines?

When and where Fortestream works

An investor may find himself in the uncomfortable decision of having to choose among hundreds of proposals, in the form of pitch decks, that are time-consuming and on which he might delegate judgment, relying on human bias or going with his “gut”.

The Typical Process

The team spends weeks on initial screening, primarily based on subjective criteria.

Only 50 startups are invited to pitch, consuming valuable VC team time.

Final selection is influenced by factors such as presentation quality or founder charisma.

After three months, if all goes well, the fund decides to further explore 5 startups.

The Fortestream Method

Hundreds of startups are analyzed within hours.

The system provides a ranking based on objective criteria.

The investment team can focus on the top 20 startups with the highest scores.

Investment decisions are supported by concrete and comparable data.

After a brief time, the fund has already begun due diligence on 3 promising startups.

Get the start-up evaluated before investing: try the demo

Investire in startup può essere rischioso a causa dell'incertezza e della mancanza di informazioni complete. Il Metodo Fortestream® aiuta a ridurre questo rischio fornendo un'analisi dettagliata e un punteggio basato su vari parametri.

 Il metodo aiuta a identificare se una startup ha trovato il suo Product Market Fit, che è un indicatore chiave del potenziale di successo di una startup.

Il Metodo Fortestream® può fare risparmiare tempo e risorse agli investitori. Invece di dover fare tutte queste analisi da soli, possono affidarsi a Fortestream per ottenere tutte le informazioni di cui hanno bisogno in un formato immediato.