We help investors choose among startups with huge potential.
Evaluating startups is a critical but extremely complex process for investors. Traditional methodologies, based primarily on financial metrics and personal insights, are often inadequate in the rapidly evolving digital age.
This subjective approach can lead to erroneous investment decisions or missing opportunities determined by the excessive number of startups to analyze.
An investor may find himself in the uncomfortable decision of having to choose among hundreds of proposals, in the form of pitch decks, that are time-consuming and on which he might delegate judgment, relying on human bias or going with his gut.
Subjective evaluations
Investors rely primarily on their own personal experience, introducing potential bias into the decision-making process.
Long timeframes
Evaluating so many startups requires numerous meetings and extensive due diligence, consuming valuable time and resources.
Limited focus
There is an excessive focus on financial metrics and early traction, which may not capture a startup's innovation or growth potential.
Difficulties in comparison
Given the diversity of sectors in which startups operate, it is complex to make direct and objective comparisons between different investment opportunities.
What Fortestream does
Fortestream is a tool that seeks to overcome traditional challenges in evaluating a startup.
360° Vision
Comprehensive analysis integrating innovation, market, team, and strategy for a 360-degree understanding of the startup.
Unbiased AI
Use of artificial intelligence to minimize human bias in assessments.
Quick Insights
Accelerated process that generates immediate and actionable insights on startup pitch decks.
Performance Metrics
Standardized metrics that allow objective comparisons between startups in different industries.
Past Method
- Slow and subjective screening
- Limited and time-consuming pitch
- Selection influenced by superficial factors
- Long process to choose few startups
Fortestream Method
- Quick bulk analysis
- Standardized objective ranking
- Focus on the 20 most promising
- Due diligence only on startups with high scoring
Startup scoring based on pitch deck analysis is a crucial process for investors and accelerators to evaluate the potential of early-stage companies. This method allows for a systematic approach to assessing startups, providing a standardized way to compare different opportunities.